Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Tale of Kraven Ergeist

Kraven Ergeist is a character I created in high school, and his story has been evolving in my head since then. I'm still not a hundred percent sure what I want to do with it, whether I want to write it into a novel, a comic book, film or what. There's a synopsis available on my DeviantArt account, the first part of which I have posted below.

A Brief Synopsis

Living as a half-Elf in Inisburn Inferior, Krymson Starklight is welcomed by neither Human nor Elf. Shunned as an outcast, she struggles to make ends meet. Krymson lives with a kind innkeeper in Inisburn Inferior named Jeremiah, who has provided her with room and board for over a month. Anxious to earn her keep, she tries for a bounty on a wanted man named Everest Bard. To her dismay, she soon learns from Jeremiah that Bard has been caught. When pressed for further details, he describes the mercenary as a strange man with long blonde hair and a pair of broadswords, looking for fighters for hire. When Krymson hears of this, she seeks him out, hoping to earn something with which to pay Jeremiah.

The man reveals himself to be Kraven Ergeist, and his mission is to assassinate Hexus Vierge, “The Man Behind the State.” Krymson believes this to be a fool’s errand; as everyone knows that Hexus is backed by the entire King’s Guard and also employs a variety of mercenary soldiers of colossal capabilities. The money Kraven offers is enough to sway her decision however, and she agrees to signs on as a hired blade. After proving her prowess with her twin Wakazashi in a duel, she joins the strange man and accompanies him on his journey to Almsgard Average.

Full story synopsis available here

Over the years, I have commissioned and requested drawings of the principle characters of this story, some of which I've posted below.

Kraven Ergeist

Krymsen Starklight


All images available here

Full story synopsis available here

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