Sunday, December 5, 2010


I don't know what's wrong with my circadian rhythms, but for some reason, sleep evades me at the convenient times, such as midnight or even 3 AM, but hits me right around 6PM or AM when it's much less timely. It is for this reason that, for two nights in a row, despite getting to bed at a perfectly reasonable hour, I got less than three hours of sleep this weekend. Add that to the fact that the panel that I opted to run for this convention focusing on Evangelion got less than 5 attendees (and I think half of them were just people waiting for the yaoi panel to start), the unavoidable in-crowding that went on with attendees and staff that had history with each other, and that the focus of the entire convention was on an entire generation of fandom that I just missed in my life, this whole weekend was pretty miserable for me.

But it's not about me. It was never about me. I didn't go to this convention because I wanted to. Me and my classmates got together to record this event A: for a class project, and B: to mark the momentous occasion, because no matter how I personally see the fandoms of the generation that came before me, I believe that they deserve the homage that this project represents, because it is because of them and their fandom (by which I really mean the market that their generation provided for the retailers) that I am able to enjoy my fandom at all. For this reason, I don't mind (terribly) doing this for just one weekend. And in all fairness, I did get a cool bathrobe, a shot glass, a few figurines and a plushie out of the deal - after dropping a bit of cash at any rate. But hey, failure or not, my panel got me free admission, so that's something. And I did bring home a lot of footage for my school project, so I'll at least be able to make a pretty decent trailer.

Featured above (wearing the specialty Sangawa bathrobes), left to right:
Jason Blankenship, Head of Public Safety
Jim Gogal, President and CEO of Tekko Inc, Con Chair of Sangawa
Special Guest Dan Woren, voice actor

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