Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Anime in America

A 2010 "Making The Documentary" class production trailer for a potential documentary, "Anime in America." Edited in Final Cut Pro after around 30+ hours of work spread out over four days, using footage acquired over the past two months, including clips from the KuroKiiro Festival and the Sangawa Project.  Co-produced with Neil Parent with videography by Drew Wallner. Anime conventions covered: Otakon, Tekkoshocon, KuroKiiro Festival, and the Sangawa Project.

Special thanks go out to the staff of Tekkoshocon Inc. for their cooperation and participation, as well as their continued enthusiasm

Click here for higher res version.

Copyright 2010. All rights reserved.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Anime Music Video - "Of Gods and Demons"

Project for my Intro to Digital class, Fall 2010
Video: "Mononoke Hime" by Hayao Miyazaki and Studio Ghibli
Audio: "Christmas Eve - Sarajevo (12/24)" by the Trans-Siberian Orchaestra

Click here for higher res version.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Tale of Kraven Ergeist

Kraven Ergeist is a character I created in high school, and his story has been evolving in my head since then. I'm still not a hundred percent sure what I want to do with it, whether I want to write it into a novel, a comic book, film or what. There's a synopsis available on my DeviantArt account, the first part of which I have posted below.

Latest fanfic

     (Image Source)

Just to shamelessly plug my latest fanfic, in a hope to one day get a following, here's the latest fanfic I've released, featuring the above characters from Bleach.

Halibel is taken prisoner by Soul Society after Aizen's defeat, and receives an unlikely visitor. Hitsugaya x Halibel :: CH 2 IS UP!
Bleach - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 2 - Words: 5,955 - Reviews: 11 - Published: 11-30-10 - T. Hitsugaya & T. Harribel


I don't know what's wrong with my circadian rhythms, but for some reason, sleep evades me at the convenient times, such as midnight or even 3 AM, but hits me right around 6PM or AM when it's much less timely. It is for this reason that, for two nights in a row, despite getting to bed at a perfectly reasonable hour, I got less than three hours of sleep this weekend. Add that to the fact that the panel that I opted to run for this convention focusing on Evangelion got less than 5 attendees (and I think half of them were just people waiting for the yaoi panel to start), the unavoidable in-crowding that went on with attendees and staff that had history with each other, and that the focus of the entire convention was on an entire generation of fandom that I just missed in my life, this whole weekend was pretty miserable for me.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

"Evaholics Anonymous"

I sent the following to the guys running The Otaku Monologues, and wanted to post this for reference sake in case I wanted to use it again.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Moving Stills project, 2010

Project for my Intro to Digital class, Fall 2010
A hundred or so Photoshop stills put together in Final Cut Express
Song: "Everybody's Free (To Wear Sunscreen)" by Baz Luhrman

Click here for higher res version.

Current song stuck in my head...

A day in the life...

I've never liked the idea of keeping a blog, but the advantages to my career are too much for me to pass up. The way I figure, it should be a good way to keep track of my online profiles, as well as some of my projects. Anyway, first post, just trying to see what it'll look like. Will talk about what I'm doing later.